What is irritable bowel syndrome?
Irritable bowel syndrome is relatively wide spread with estimates that 20% of people will suffer from it at one time or another. It is widely recognised that one of the principle contributing factors is STRESS or ANXIETY and although medication is often prescribed for the condition, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy treatments aimed at resolving the stress or anxiety are often the most effective way of treating it.
There are a number of symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome and one, or several, of the symptoms may be present at any one time.
Typical symptoms are:-
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Abdominal cramps
- Wind
- For women pain in the left side during sex
- Gurgling stomach
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that may remain “hidden” or is not spoken about or consulted for due to the often embarrassing symptoms that are associated with it and the difficulty that people feel in discussing issues of this nature and whilst the media is making efforts to “normalise” our view of the condition, irritable bowel syndrome may be more widespread due to this reluctance to talk about it.
If YOU suffer from irritable bowel syndrome then you will already know how limiting the symptoms can be and how it can affect your ability to get on with your life. The symptoms can be very unpredictable and intrusive and IBS has a reputation of being difficult to treat.
There are numerous “cures” and “remedies” available in the market place but the one common approach taken with all these solutions is that they target the symptoms and seem to totally ignore the cause of the problem.
Whilst these remedies may provide temporary relief, the sufferer is unlikely to ever be free of the symptoms as the cause of the problem remains unresolved.
We understand that it can be embarrassing to talk to somebody about irritable bowel syndrome, but you can be assured of our integrity, understanding and assurance that your consultation with us will be totally confidential.
Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Norfolk & Suffolk
The choice of therapy to help your IBS is going to depend on just how much the problem is affecting your day-to-day life, and also how long you have been suffering from the problem.
Ruth Watson is able to offer three main techniques for helping you to resolve your issues:
Clinical Hypnosis for IBS
If your IBS is “relatively” minor and only affects you now and again, then you may have found that you have been able to tolerate the feelings that you have experienced. In these circumstances I would normally recommend just one or two sessions of Clinical Hypnosis (Suggestion Therapy) as this particular technique has an excellent track record in these cases.
Cognitive Processing and Integration Therapy for IBS
If your particular IBS issues are more significant and they are having a seriously disruptive effect on your personal relationships, then you may wish to consider a technique such as Cognitive Processing & Integration Therapy. This type of therapy can help you to re-process any past situation that may have become “blocked” in your mind. Normally CPI takes place over a number of sessions.
The Mindfulness and More Programme for IBS
The very latest, and perhaps most effective way to deal with IBS and associated anxiety is to follow a course of the Mindfulness and More Programme. This Mind Therapy technique helps you to really understand how your “beliefs” have contributed to the way that you feel and in doing so, teaches you how to take control of your thinking and anxiety and really change the way you “see the world.” This approach utilises a research-backed applied course of Psychology combined with Mindfulness and has been producing excellent results.
Ruth offers both group sessions and one-to-one sessions for this programme.