What is Depression?
When you are feeling low, easily reduced to tears and can’t control your emotions, then you have all the hallmarks of clinical depression.
Putting on weight is often something that happens when you’re feeling low because you seek comfort in eating. Sometimes people lose their appetite, and lose weight, but then everyone is a bit different.
Your emotions get out of control, and you feel down. It is also quite common to feel that you just can’t be bothered to do anything, and probably don’t feel like making the effort to be sociable so you tend to withdraw.
Someone who is depressed is also likely to feel that they are to blame and are self-critical, or that they are a bad person – when of course they are not.

The main thing is that this situation can be helped, quite simply Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways of treating depression.
People are sometimes ashamed of admitting that they are depressed or feeling low or feeling down, in case it is interpreted as a weakness, or they will just be told ‘pull themselves together’. I could just be that all you need is specialist help, and that help is right here in the form of a professional, confidential Hypnotherapist – I am specially trained in the treatment of depression, sadness and feeling low.
Analytical Hypnotherapy aims at the permanent removal of the cause of depression, Suggestion Therapy and Hypnosis, or Clinical Hypnotherapy focuses on managing the symptoms oWhat Causes Depression?
Depression may occur as a result of some crisis or stress, like a relationship break-up, exams, job move, money worries or bereavement. These causes of depression are perhaps easier to understand than when there is no obvious cause in which case 2 to 3 sessions of Hypnosis combined with suggestion therapy could be an appropriate form of therapy for you.
But depression with no obvious cause is well recognized. It is called endogenous depression, meaning coming from within. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and you can get help using on of the Therapy Techniques I offer.
You could soon be enjoying life again, which is what I am sure you deserve.
So just arrange your free Assessment consultation with me by calling my direct line 07919 418815.
Symptoms of depression
Stress can lead to you to feeling ‘down’ and ‘miserable’. What is different about a depressive condition is that these feelings last for weeks or months, rather than days. In addition to feeling low most or all of the time, many other symptoms can occur in depressive illness (though not everybody has every one) such as:
- Being unable to gain pleasure from activities that normally would be pleasurable.
- Losing interest in food and losing weight (though some people over-eat and put on weight – ‘comfort eating’).
- Losing interest in sex.
- Finding it difficult to concentrate and think straight.
- Feeling restless, tense and anxious.
- Being irritable.
- Losing self-confidence.
- Avoiding other people.
- Finding it harder than usual to make decisions.
- Feeling useless and inadequate – ‘a waste of space’.
- Feeling guilty about who you are and what you have done.
- Feeling hopeless – that nothing will make things better.
- Suicidal feelings
Therapy for Depression
The choice of therapy to help your Depression is going to depend on just how much the problem is affecting your day-to-day life, and also how long you have been suffering from the problem.
Ruth Watson is able to offer three principle techniques for helping you to resolve your issues:
Clinical Hypnosis for Depression
If your depression is “relatively” minor and only affects you now and again, then you may have found that you have been able to tolerate the feelings that you have experienced. In these circumstances I would normally recommend just one or two sessions of Clinical Hypnosis (Suggestion Therapy) as this particular technique has an excellent track record in these cases.
Cognitive Processing and Integration Therapy for Depression
If your particular feelings of depression are more significant and they are having a seriously disruptive effect on your life, then you may wish to consider a technique such as Cognitive Processing & Integration Therapy. This type of therapy can help you to re-process any past situation that may have become “blocked” in your mind leading to a more permanent resolution. Normally CPI takes place over a number of sessions.
The Mindfulness and More Programme for Depression
The very latest, and perhaps most effective way to deal with Depression is to follow a course of the Mindfulness and More Programme. This Mind Therapy technique helps you to really understand how your “beliefs” have contributed to the way that you feel and in doing so, teaches you how to take control of your thinking and really change the way you “see the world.” This approach utilises a research-backed applied course of Psychology combined with Mindfulness and has been producing excellent results.
Ruth offers both group sessions and one-to-one sessions for this programme.