A couple of little known facts about Tinnitus:
10% of adults in the UK experience Tinnitus frequently
Tinnitus is not confined to the elderly – it can occur at any age.
This is a condition that can cause a great deal of psychological stress. The persistent sounds can lead to a cycle of frustration which can be followed by feelings of heightened anxiety, fear, anger and a desire to escape.
If you suffer with Tinnitus you may well believe that nothing can be done and that you just have to just live with it, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Therapy can help you by identifying and modifying unhelpful thoughts and behaviours and by removing negative connotations, learning to ‘turn down the volume’ and by screening out the intrusive sounds.
There are different types of Tinnitus so each persons treatment is unique and there are a variety of techniques and methods that can help you.
Ruth can help you to change the way you think about your Tinnitus
and learn effective ways of managing it.
t: 07919 418815 or e:
Symptoms of Tinnitus
The symptoms involve the sensation of sound when no external sound is present. These noises can include:
- Ringing
- Whistling
- Buzzing
- Roaring
- Clicking
You may hear these noises in either one or both ears, they might be loud or soft and they might be present at all times or come and go dependant on conditions.
Tinnitus can sometimes affect quality of life and Psychological or Emotional symptoms can include:
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Feeling Depressed
- Irritability or quick to anger / short fuse
- Trouble Concentrating
- Memory issues
- Sleep problems
Ruth can help you to change the way you think about your Tinnitus
and learn effective ways of managing it.
t: 07919 418815 or e: